Журнал высшей нервной деятельности им. И.П. Павлова, 2023, T. 73, № 6, стр. 857-872

WEEGIT – software for visualization and annotation of the electrophysiological activity registration data

D. S. Suchkov a*, V. V. Shumkova b, V. R. Sitdikova b, V. M. Silaeva b, A. E. Logashkin b, A. R. Mamleev b, M. G. Minlebaev ab

a INSERM UMR1249, INMED, Aix-Marseille University
Marseille, France

b Kazan Federal University
Kazan, Russia

* E-mail: suchkov.dmitriy.ksu@gmail.com

Поступила в редакцию 11.08.2023
После доработки 31.08.2023
Принята к публикации 31.08.2023


Wizard for EEG Information Tabling – “WEEGIT” is a software designed for visualization and annotation of the long-lasting records of activity. Long-lasting records of raw data are used in various areas of life sciences and well represented in neuroscience. In spite of development of other techniques and approaches the electrophysiological activity registration remains the “golden standard” in neurobiological research. Therefore, we developed and verified “WEEGIT” as a powerful and convenient tool for electrophysiological recordings’ description. We combined the most important features presented in other commercial and noncommercial software in the “WEEGIT”. Presented software can operate with widely used formats of records. ”WEEGIT” allows adaptive visualizing of up to 512 channels of record in different timescale without loss of efficiency and consumption of large machine resources. Visualizing also includes optional built-in temporal-spatial analysis (density of current sources or the density of action potentials) displayed as a background image. Integration of a set of optional filtering and signal transforming procedures allows improving record visualization. “WEEGIT” has a convenient graphical user interface with opportunity of simultaneous time browsing and annotating of the records in one workspace. Annotation can be done by simple text information typing as well as an interactive placing of specialized labels and objects. Software also allows saving data in the resampled format, both for the whole record and for user-defined events. In conclusion, “WEEGIT” provides a great set of benefits for the convenient workflow for beginners and specialists in the electrophysiological area of research, including preparation of the data for further specialized analysis.

Keywords: electrophysiology, software, analysis

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