ПИСЬМА В АСТРОНОМИЧЕСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ, 2019, том 45, № 11, с. 830
FROM 13.000 BC TO 17.000 AD1
© 2019 г. N. Scafetta1, F. Milani2, A. Bianchini3,4
1Department of Earth Sciences, Environment and Georesources, University of Naples Federico II, Complesso
Universitario di Monte S. Angelo, via Cinthia, 21, 80126 Naples, Italy
2Astronomical Association Euganea, via N. Tommaseo, 70, 35137 Padova, Italy
3INAF, Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova, Vicolo dell’Osservatorio 3, I, 35122 Padova, Italy
4Department of Physics and Astronomy, Universit `a degli Studi di Padova, via Marzolo 8, 35131, Padova, Italy
Received 18.05.2019 г.; in final form, 02.10.2019 г.; accepted 23.10.2019 г.
The high-resolution Jet Propulsion Laboratory DE431 and DE432 planetary ephemeris are used to
evaluate the instantaneous eccentricity functions of the orbits of the planets of the solar system from
13.000 BC to 17.000 AD at different time scales. Spectral analyses are performed to determine the
frequencies and the amplitudes of the detected perturbations from 0.1-year to 10.000-year periods. Taken
as contiguous pairs (Mercury-Venus, Earth-Mars, Jupiter-Saturn, and Uranus-Neptune), we found anti-
phase patterns between contiguous planets at specific time scales (30.000 years): namely, the eccentricity
of one planet increases while the other decreases. Venus and Earth instead appear in phase. However, on
shorter time scales the phase coupling becomes more complex and irregular. Yet, Jupiter and Saturn present
a π/2 phase coupling at the 1000-year scale. Periodogram analysis of the planetary eccentricity functions
shows several fast fluctuations whose magnitudes indicate the strength of their mutual interactions
where the Jovian planets significantly perturb the orbits of the inner planets. Besides, the wavelet power
spectrum and wavelet squared coherence spectrum analyses are adopted to examine the relationships in
time-frequency space between the eccentricity functions of each couple of terrestrial and Jovian planets.
The analysis reveals the complexity and the evolution of the gravitational couplings perturbing each other
planetary orbits. In some cases and for specific frequencies, this analysis technique also led to the discovery
that the coherence phase can rotate clockwise or anticlockwise. The eccentricity function of the orbit of
Jupiter presents large oscillations with periods of about 60 and 900-960 years, mostly due to the interaction
with Saturn. These oscillations also correspond to oscillations found in several geophysical records. The
eccentricity functions of Uranus and Neptune are characterized by a large 4.300-year oscillation. The
eccentricity function of Pluto is characterized by a large nearly 20.000-year modulation.
Keywords: Eccentricity function, Orbital perturbations, Planetary system.
DOI: 10.1134/S0320010819110123
1 Полностью статья публикуется в английской версии журнала (Astronomy Letters Vol. 45, № 11, 2019).
*E-mail: nicola.scafetta@unina.it